All the photos on the site have been taken in Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park unless stated otherwise.
Not a member yet - JOIN NOW! £5 PER HOUSEHOLD PER YEAR. Join HERE!
The minutes of the most recent AGM are available HERE.
Minutes of recent committee meetings are available HERE.
The minutes of the most recent AGM are available HERE.
Minutes of recent committee meetings are available HERE.
JANUARY 2025 - Volunteers. Thanks to our volunteers and those from Essex, another orchard was planted at the east end of the park, making three community orchards. Mostly cherry trees, appropriately, and good strong young saplings. It was cold, the ground was hard - but the job was done and in addition a few necessary replacements were made in the orchard planted in January 2023. Thanks so much to all those who turned out to lend a hand - a huge task, accomplished in less than a day. Great work. The blossom will be glorious and the fruit from all the orchards is for you, the public, to pick and enjoy. The birds and the bees will also benefit greatly!
More photos HERE on the volunteers' page. |
Good news for Cherry Orchard Car Park users
Key changes to parking fees from June 2024 include:
- No charge to NHS mobile screening units to use council owned car parks
- Removing parking charges for visitors to Cherry Orchard Country Park
- Reducing the cost of parking for 30 minutes in The Market, Castle Road, Bellingham Lane, Southend Road, Freight House and Back Lane car parks
- The majority of the other car parking fees in council owned car parks will increase by either 10p or 20p from 1 April 2024.
New information signs going up in the park.
Look out for new signs with QR codes. Check the code with your smart phone and be taken straight to a page of information about that part of the park, together with a 'You are here' map of the park. The first signs have gone up, others following as soon as possible. There will be 20 signs from the car park at Cherry Orchard Way in the east to the car park at Grove Road in the west. We hope you will find them helpful. |
Park History
Click HERE to report an incident or problem in the park.
Click HERE to report an incident or problem in the park.
Membership - Members of the group find out first about opportunities to help in the park, events happening in the park and have the opportunity to be part of consultations held by Rochford District Council regarding the future development of the park. It's easy to join for just £5 per household per year - JOIN ON LINE HERE. Members can also be part of our Conservation Volunteer Group.
SURVEY: Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey. A great many members of the Friends took the time to complete it and the results have given us, and Rochford District Council, a clear idea of what users feel is important in the development of our park.
The overall impression that the results give is that people actually like the park the way it is, there being no support for changes such as cafes, toilets, agility trails, gyms etc. People would however, like to see improvements in conservation efforts, maintaining path ways and reducing litter.
The most voted for high cost project was weather proofing pathways through the park to improve accessibility for all.
The most voted for low cost project was to provide additional bird and insect boxes and the planting of wild flowers.
The Friends committee has initiated a search for grants that the group can apply for to improve pathways/accessibility in the park. This will also mean that more litter/dog waste bins could be provided as there will be year round access to them for maintenance and emptying. It is a long term aim and Rochford District Council have promised their support.
In the meantime we are pleased to be able to proved a further 10 new nest boxes for small birds, to compliment the 4 owl boxes we erected last year.
The overall impression that the results give is that people actually like the park the way it is, there being no support for changes such as cafes, toilets, agility trails, gyms etc. People would however, like to see improvements in conservation efforts, maintaining path ways and reducing litter.
The most voted for high cost project was weather proofing pathways through the park to improve accessibility for all.
The most voted for low cost project was to provide additional bird and insect boxes and the planting of wild flowers.
The Friends committee has initiated a search for grants that the group can apply for to improve pathways/accessibility in the park. This will also mean that more litter/dog waste bins could be provided as there will be year round access to them for maintenance and emptying. It is a long term aim and Rochford District Council have promised their support.
In the meantime we are pleased to be able to proved a further 10 new nest boxes for small birds, to compliment the 4 owl boxes we erected last year.
FOCOP is registered with easyfundraising - find out more here.
Who can use the Bridleway? - more information here.
How to report an incident or a problem in the park - click here.
Who can use the Bridleway? - more information here.
How to report an incident or a problem in the park - click here.
Who are the Friends of Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park?
In the Spring of 2010, a ‘Friends of Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park’ group was formed. This allows us, the local community, to have a say in how our local park is managed. As we are the users of these facilities, we are best placed to say what is needed in the park.
What are our aims?

- To encourage more people, from all sections of the community, to use the park and to enjoy its full potential and promote an atmosphere of mutual appreciation and respect.
- To protect, conserve and enhance The Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park as a place of freedom, recreation and enjoyment for the long term benefit of all sections of the local community.
- To use its funds to support, maintain and increase the facilities in the park
- To act as a focal point for the involvement of the community in
consultations with Rochford District Council concerning the park.
Our constitution is reviewed annually at theAGM and updated when necessary. . A copy is available here.
The minutes of recent committee meetings are available here.

Membership is open to everyone who shares the Aims of our Friends group and costs just £5.00 per household per annum. This enables us to hold regular meetings, provide Newsletters, maintain the website and hopefully arrange informative and fun events for all the family. Go to the membership page to join on line or download a membership form.
The Friends of Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park have a hard working and enthusiastic committee who work within a constitution agreed with Rochford District Council
The Friends of Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park have a hard working and enthusiastic committee who work within a constitution agreed with Rochford District Council